Panfactum Stack Pricing

Questions? Reach out here!

Base Price
Free Forever
$1,000 / month
< $1M Annual Revenue
< $5M Annual Revenue
Cluster Count
User Count
Release Channels
Support SLA
72 hour
1 hour
Implementation Support
Boosted GH Issues
Embedded Support
Dedicated Engineer
Custom MSA
SOC 2 Report
BAA Agreement

Licenses are provided only to end-users of the Panfactum stack. Individual licenses may not be shared across multiple end-users. An end-user is any organization whose employees, partners, or contractors directly interact with infrastructure provisioned by Panfactum modules. For example, a managed service provider may not use a single Panfactum license for each of their customers; a unique license must be purchased for each customer.

Available Discounts

Annual Payment

15% off for customers who pay annually.

Does not include one-time services.

Panfactum Partners

Up to 50% off for service providers implementing the Panfactum Stack for their clients. Learn more.


50% off for registered non-profit organizations.

Does not include one-time services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Any organization of any size is licensed to use software included the community plan to create proofs-of-concept free of charge and without needing to register with Panfactum.

A proof-of-concept is a deployment of Panfactum infrastructure modules used to inform a purchasing decision. Proof-of-concept infrastructure may be run continuously for up to 90 days.

We also offer 90-day trials of the stable releases. Contact us to request a license key.

When we set out to build the stack, we wanted to accomplish three key goals:

  • Develop in the open so anyone can inspect and / or extend the Stack
  • Avoid gating features useful to organizations of all sizes behind cost-prohibitive licenses
  • Allow for complete flexibility of deployment scenarios without fear of unit-based pricing / limits or active telemetry in deployed infrastructure

While we believe strongly that these goals are best for our users, they do limit what we can do to properly fund ongoing work at Panfactum.

In other words, we still need a sustainable business model to ensure that we never have to change our license terms in the future once you are already running the Stack.

Revenue-driven tiering is one such model that allows us to continue to serve small and large users alike. Many infrastructure companies such as Docker, Buoyant, etc. have successfully demonstrated the win-win nature of this approach.

No! If you are familiar with building and shipping code, you can easily deploy and manage the Panfactum Stack.

While the Stack contains functionality that would only normally be possible with dedicated infrastructure teams, we provide detailed step-by-step guides that allow organizations to manage the system for less than 4 person-hours / month.

Moreover, we have an active community of users who can help answer questions and provide support.

For organizations with the resources for dedicated teams, the Stack frees engineers to work on more interesting and challenging problems that are unique to your organization.

Unlike most managed service providers, we do not run any telemetry in your live infrastructure. Moreover, your production systems never connect to ours. Your data stays inside your platform, even if you run our infrastructure modules.

Instead, we perform license checks when you boot up the Panfactum local development environment and when you download and deploy the source code for Panfactum infrastructure modules.

Unlike most managed service providers, we never have access to any of your live systems unless you specifically grant it.

Enterprise customers may choose to grant their Panfactum engineers access to systems to aid in debugging. All Panfactum support employees go through standard background check and training procedures in order to protect sensitive customer data and system.

The Panfactum stack is built exclusively on open source and open standards. The only proprietary components are the Panfactum code and documentation that enable easy, secure, and highly available deployments of these systems. If you are unhappy with the service we provide, you are not locked-in to any proprietary systems.

Just to be sure, we grant a free, perpetual, irrevocable license to continue using the current and prior stable releases of the Panfactum stack at the time that you cancel your license.

This is only available to customers after a three month waiting period to prevent abuse.

Panfactum is bootstrapped, entirely employee owned, and has been profitable from day zero. Unlike typical venture-backed companies, we have designed to business to thrive into perpetuity without ever needing to change our existing service offerings, IPO, or sell to an acquirer.

In the unlikely scenario that the entire Panfactum team is taken out by cloud service assassins, your infrastructure will continue to operate as normal. Understandably, you might want to stop licensing from us as we would be unable to produce further updates. See the above question for more information.

Yes. While Panfactum (the company) was formally launched in 2023, we have been providing iterations of the Stack to companies for nearly a decade. We have honed the lessons learned across dozens of deployment scenarios into the Stack you see today.

We run our own production infrastructure directly on the bleeding-edge Stack. You can see the exact deployment code here and even connect to it yourself here.

If you would like to connect with an existing user of the Stack, get in touch or reach out directly on our community forum.

We only use open-source or source-available tooling and pin all downloads to specific content hashes. Additionally, the stack itself is developed completely in the open with a full audit trail of any changes.

We have continuous monitoring deployed to identify CVEs in any of our included third-party dependencies, and we run all infrastructure components in test environments before updates are distributed via a release channel to identify any anomalous behavior.

The stack itself contains deny-by-default network policies that prevent data exfiltration should any malicious program escape detection during our sandbox testing.

Finally, all commits to the Panfactum stack release channels are signed by a Panfactum employee and require the approval of a Panfactum executive before being made public.

If security issues are detected, we have a standard process for securely notifying Panfactum maintainers.

Contract terms are available when designing MSAs under the Enterprise plan.

For Startup customers, we charge an on-file credit card once per month.

For Enterprise customers, we can accept payment via all standard methods and terms that we align on when crafting the MSA.

Choosing a system to run your infrastructure on is a huge decision. In order to provide the best possible support and experience, we do not serve every potential customer. Sometimes we do not have the support staff. Other times a customer's unique situation is not a great fit for the Stack.

Taking a few minutes to connect and validate your plans will ensure your rollout of the Panfactum Stack goes smoothly.

The contact forms on our purchase page deposit the data directly into our CRM. We then get to work setting up an initial call to answer any questions, schedule any demos, and work out any details for the deal.

We do not use this data to sign you up for marketing emails nor do we ever sell this information to third-parties.

Ready to Deploy?

The first step is to connect with us so we can issue you a license!
