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Bootstrapping StackAutoscaling



Deploy the necessary metrics and autoscaling components to automatically rightsize the cluster.


In Kubernetes, there are three distinct flavors of autoscaling:

  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA): A built-in controller that adjusts the number of pods for a Deployment or StatefulSet. This can be extended to incorporate event-driven autoscaling with tools like KEDA.

  • Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA): A specific controller that can be installed to automatically adjust the resource requests and limits of pods based on historical usage.

  • Cluster Autoscaling: A category of controllers that will adjust the number of nodes running in the cluster. The two most popular projects are the Cluster Autoscaler and Karpenter.

The Panfactum stack makes use of all three types of autoscaling.

Deploy Metrics Server

For autoscaling to work, the Kubernetes API server must provide realtime metrics about individual container CPU and memory usage. Interestingly, this is not built-in to Kubernetes by default but rather powered by an API extension provided by the metrics-server project.

We provide a module to deploy the server: kube_metrics_server.

Let's deploy it now:

  1. Create a new directory adjacent to your kube_linkerd module called kube_metrics_server.

  2. Add a terragrunt.hcl to that directory that looks like this.

  3. Set vpa_enabled to false. We will enable it when we deploy the VPA.

  4. Add a module.yaml that enables the aws, kubernetes, and helm providers.

  5. Run terragrunt apply.

Let's test to ensure it is working as intended:

  1. Open k9s (or restart if it is already open).

  2. Notice that k9s is now reporting your total cluster resource utilization:

    Cluster capacity displayed in k9s
  3. Navigate to the pods view. Notice that all pods are now reporting CPU and memory metrics:

    Pod metrics displayed in k9s

    The N/A fields for the /R and /L columns indicate that many pods have not had their resource requests (R) or limits (L) set. When we install the VPA, these will automatically be set.

  4. To diagnose utilization issues in the cluster, we bundle a CLI utility called kube-capacity for consolidating granular metrics across the entire cluster. Run kube-capacity -uc now:

    NODE                                         NAMESPACE            POD                                                 CONTAINER                 CPU REQUESTS   CPU LIMITS    CPU UTIL    MEMORY REQUESTS   MEMORY LIMITS   MEMORY UTIL
    *                                            *                    *                                                   *                         1240m (21%)    3700m (63%)   514m (8%)   1740Mi (9%)       5334Mi (29%)    4596Mi (25%)
    ....   *                    *                                                   *                         360m (18%)     1200m (62%)   161m (8%)   530Mi (8%)        1238Mi (20%)    1420Mi (23%)   cilium               cilium-4d4gf                                        *                         100m (5%)      0m (0%)       25m (1%)    10Mi (0%)         0Mi (0%)        126Mi (2%)   cilium               cilium-4d4gf                                        cilium-agent              0m (0%)        0m (0%)       25m (1%)    0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        126Mi (2%)   aws-ebs-csi-driver   ebs-csi-node-ph26m                                  *                         30m (1%)       100m (5%)     2m (0%)     120Mi (1%)        768Mi (12%)     26Mi (0%)   aws-ebs-csi-driver   ebs-csi-node-ph26m                                  ebs-plugin                10m (0%)       0m (0%)       1m (0%)     40Mi (0%)         256Mi (4%)      11Mi (0%)   aws-ebs-csi-driver   ebs-csi-node-ph26m                                  linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   aws-ebs-csi-driver   ebs-csi-node-ph26m                                  liveness-probe            10m (0%)       0m (0%)       1m (0%)     40Mi (0%)         256Mi (4%)      8Mi (0%)   aws-ebs-csi-driver   ebs-csi-node-ph26m                                  node-driver-registrar     10m (0%)       0m (0%)       1m (0%)     40Mi (0%)         256Mi (4%)      4Mi (0%)   cert-manager         jetstack-cert-manager-7b467c7747-xhbrx              *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     2m (0%)     10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       16Mi (0%)   cert-manager         jetstack-cert-manager-7b467c7747-xhbrx              cert-manager-controller   0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        13Mi (0%)   cert-manager         jetstack-cert-manager-7b467c7747-xhbrx              linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-destination-96c96755b-8thzg                 *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     3m (0%)     10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       45Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-destination-96c96755b-8thzg                 destination               0m (0%)        0m (0%)       2m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        22Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-destination-96c96755b-8thzg                 linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        8Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-destination-96c96755b-8thzg                 policy                    0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        6Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-destination-96c96755b-8thzg                 sp-validator              0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        10Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-identity-cc6dffdf-tt9jm                     *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     1m (0%)     10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       15Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-identity-cc6dffdf-tt9jm                     identity                  0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        11Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-identity-cc6dffdf-tt9jm                     linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-proxy-injector-8497c6bd8-dwv6j              *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     1m (0%)     10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       19Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-proxy-injector-8497c6bd8-dwv6j              linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   linkerd              linkerd-proxy-injector-8497c6bd8-dwv6j              proxy-injector            0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        16Mi (0%)   metrics-server       metrics-server-6df8ffd998-65mkb                     *                         100m (5%)      100m (5%)     4m (0%)     200Mi (3%)        10Mi (0%)       24Mi (0%)   metrics-server       metrics-server-6df8ffd998-65mkb                     linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   metrics-server       metrics-server-6df8ffd998-65mkb                     metrics-server            100m (5%)      0m (0%)       3m (0%)     200Mi (3%)        0Mi (0%)        20Mi (0%)   secrets-csi          secrets-csi-secrets-store-csi-driver-zch5w          *                         70m (3%)       400m (20%)    1m (0%)     140Mi (2%)        400Mi (6%)      26Mi (0%)   secrets-csi          secrets-csi-secrets-store-csi-driver-zch5w          linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   secrets-csi          secrets-csi-secrets-store-csi-driver-zch5w          liveness-probe            10m (0%)       100m (5%)     1m (0%)     20Mi (0%)         100Mi (1%)      8Mi (0%)   secrets-csi          secrets-csi-secrets-store-csi-driver-zch5w          node-driver-registrar     10m (0%)       100m (5%)     1m (0%)     20Mi (0%)         100Mi (1%)      4Mi (0%)   secrets-csi          secrets-csi-secrets-store-csi-driver-zch5w          secrets-store             50m (2%)       200m (10%)    1m (0%)     100Mi (1%)        200Mi (3%)      12Mi (0%)   vault                vault-1                                             *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     41m (2%)    10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       52Mi (0%)   vault                vault-1                                             linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       4m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   vault                vault-1                                             vault                     0m (0%)        0m (0%)       38m (1%)    0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        49Mi (0%)   vault                vault-csi-provider-4cndp                            *                         10m (0%)       100m (5%)     3m (0%)     10Mi (0%)         10Mi (0%)       34Mi (0%)   vault                vault-csi-provider-4cndp                            linkerd-proxy             0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        4Mi (0%)   vault                vault-csi-provider-4cndp                            vault-agent               0m (0%)        0m (0%)       2m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        25Mi (0%)   vault                vault-csi-provider-4cndp                            vault-csi-provider        0m (0%)        0m (0%)       1m (0%)     0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)        6Mi (0%)

Deploy the Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Now that we are capturing resource utilization data, we can use the vertical pod autoscaler to automatically rightsize your pod's CPU and memory resource requests and limits based on historical usage.

We provide a module to deploy the VPA: kube_vpa.

Let's deploy it now:

  1. Create a new directory adjacent to your kube_metrics_server module called kube_vpa.

  2. Add a terragrunt.hcl to that directory that looks like this.

  3. Set vpa_enabled to false. We will enable it in a moment.

  4. Add a module.yaml that enables the aws, kubernetes, and helm providers.

  5. Run terragrunt apply.

  6. Once the module has successfully deployed, return to all of the previously deployed kubernetes modules and set vpa_enabled to true:

    • kube_aws_ebs_csi
    • kube_cert_manager
    • kube_cilium
    • kube_linkerd
    • kube_metrics_server
    • kube_secrets_csi
    • kube_trust_manager
    • kube_vault
    • kube_vpa
  7. Navigate up to the directory containing all of these modules (this should be the parent of kube_vpa). Run terragrunt run-all apply to apply all of the modules at once. Note that this might cause your Vault proxy to disconnect as pods are restarted and thus result in an incomplete apply. Simply reconnect the proxy and try the command again.

  8. After all these modules are updated, you should now see many VPA resources in k9s (:vpa). After a minute or two, they should begin to provide resource estimates:

    VPA resources in k9s
  9. Return to the pod view. Notice that all request columns are populated as well as the memory limit column:

    Resource requests and limits are set
    • We set requests for both CPU and memory so that the Kubernetes scheduler can accurately decide which enough resources available for pods during the pod-to-node assignment phase.

    • We set memory limits so that memory leaks in any application will not consume unbounded memory on the node and thus cause all other pods on the node to crash with OOM errors.

    • We do not set cpu limits because if a node's CPU is constrained, CPU will automatically be shared across all pods proportional to each pod's CPU request. 1

Deploy Karpenter

Historically, cluster autoscaling has almost always been done by the cluster-autoscaler addon. However, this controller had several limitations and required lots of configuration to provide the optimal setup for your organization.

Fortunately, a new provide has emerged, Karpenter, which provides both more flexibility, better performance, and better cost optimization. Specifically:

  • You do not need to choose instance types in advance as it will query your cloud providers API for the entire list of available instance types and prices and then spin up the exact right instance types that are the best fit for your workloads at the lowest cost

  • If you allow it, it will prioritize utilizing spot instances for up to a 90% discount over list price. Moreover, it will periodically check if existing workloads can be migrated to cheaper instances as prices change over time.

  • It incorporates the functionality provided by the aws-node-termination-handler removing the need to run it altogether.

  • It scales extremely well with the ability to spin up and down 100s of nodes at a time.

We provide an infrastructure module to deploy it: kube_karpenter.

Let's deploy it now:

  1. Create a new directory adjacent to your kube_vpa module called kube_karpenter.

  2. Add a terragrunt.hcl to that directory that looks like this.

  3. For the first time, you can leave vpa_enabled set to true.

  4. For node_subnets, we strongly recommend using the same subnets you used in the aws_eks module for the controller_node_subnets unless you have a specific reason not to.

  5. Add a module.yaml that enables the aws, kubernetes, and helm providers.

  6. Run terragrunt apply.

Deploy NodePools

Karpenter requires some instructions about how to perform autoscaling such as what AMI to use for the underlying nodes. It looks for those instructions in NodePool custom resources.

The Panfactum stack comes with two default NodePools:

  • linux spot nodes

    • labeled with set to spot

    • highest scheduling precedence

    • assigned a taint to prevent workloads that cannot tolerate arbitrary disruption from accidentally being scheduled on one: { key = "spot", value = "true", effect = "NoSchedule" }

  • linux on-demand nodes

    • labeled with set to worker 2

Those are defined in the kube_karpenter_node_pools module.

Let's deploy it now:

  1. Create a new directory adjacent to your kube_karpenter module called kube_karpenter_node_pools.

  2. Add a terragrunt.hcl to that directory that looks like this.

  3. Add a module.yaml that enables the kubernetes provider.

  4. Run terragrunt apply.

Test Cluster Autoscaling

Let's verify that autoscaling now works as expected.

All deployments in the Panfactum stack are configured to disallow multiple replicas of the same pod to run on the same node. 3 As a result, we can increase the number of replicas in one of our pods and ensure that Karpenter recognizes that additional nodes need to be schedule.

  1. In K9s, navigate to :deployments.

  2. Highlight the jetstack-cert-manager deployment and press s to trigger the scale dialogue.

  3. Increase this to a substantial number such as 25.

  4. Immediately, Karpenter should recognize that new nodes are required to run these pods and begin to provision them. After 30-60 seconds, the nodes will be registered with Kubernetes and you should see them under :nodes.

  5. Describe some of the new nodes by pressing d when highlighting one. Notice that many of these new nodes are spot instances.

    Labels indicating that Karpenter spun up spot instances
  6. Scale jetstack-cert-manager back down to 2. Karpenter will automatically take care of the node cleanup and de-provisioning. This will happen slower than the scale-up as scaling down happens in batches to avoid cluster thrash or service disruption. However, this should complete within 15 minutes.

Next Steps

Now that autoscaling is active, we can proceed to set up inbound networking for our cluster.

Panfactum Bootstrapping Guide:
Step 14 /20


  1. In general, it is best to avoid setting CPU limits in order to allow CPU to occasionally spike as needed. If the CPU utilization remains high, cluster autoscaling will kick in to provision net new nodes.

  2. The EKS-managed nodes created by aws_eks have a class of controller.

  3. To prevent service disruption if a node goes offline.