Security Backlog

Keeping your systems secure is a critical facet of platform engineering. While you hope to prevent issues through good platform design, you will never achieve perfect security.

As a result, it is important to keep your organization aligned on the set of known vulnerabilities. Typically, this is done through a central backlog of security issues that are assessed and prioritized via a standard process. This is not only best practice, but also a requirement of many compliance programs such as SOC 2.

Defining Security Vulnerabilities

Before building processes, you must first align your organization on what represents a security vulnerability.

While most have an intuitive image of “being hacked,” security has a broader scope that your entire organization should remain mindful of.

  • Unauthorized access to systems, software, or data (e.g., SQL injection attacks)

  • Unauthorized mutation or deletion of data (e.g., ransomware attacks)

  • Unintended leakage of private data (e.g., exposing customer info on a public endpoint)

  • Unintended bugs in access control (e.g., granting elevated privileges to user accounts)

  • Prevention of your organization’s ability to deliver system services (e.g., denial-of-service attacks)

Additionally, it is important to consider both internal and external threat vectors.

Building a Security Backlog

The exact technology used for your security backlog is unimportant. You could use your standard ticketing system or even a spreadsheet. 1

What is important is that you have a way of assessing each issue’s severity and a standard SLA for different severity levels.

We recommend the following simple framework:

  1. For each issue, assign both a risk and impact score between 1 and 5: 2

    • Risk: The estimated probability of the vulnerability being exploited within the next 12 months.

    • Impact: The estimated financial liability caused if the vulnerability were exploited.

  2. Multiply those numbers together to reach a severity score between 1 and 25.

  3. Establish SLAs for various ranges of severity. For example:

    • 1 - 5: Will resolve within the next 12 months

    • 5 - 15: Will resolve within the next 3 months

    • 16 - 25: Will begin work to resolve immediately

  4. Provide some mechanism to track SLA attainment as this is an important component of many compliance programs such as SOC 2.

We recommend meeting regularly (1-2 times per month) with your leadership team to review new and outstanding items on the security backlog. This can be incorporated into other planning and prioritization ceremonies that your organization already has in place.

Providing a Reporting Process

The backlog itself serves limited purpose if your stakeholders do not know it exists or how to submit discovered issues to it. As a result, considering how issues should be reported is an important part of the process, and another requirement of most compliance programs.

You should provide a public webpage that describes how both internal and external stakeholders should go about disclosing issues. The gold standard would be an intake form that directly drops reported issues into your backlog for triaging.

Preventing Security Issues

Similar to preventing downtime, each security issue should generate a postmortem process that identifies not just the proximate cause but what gaps in the platform allowed the security issue to manifest.

As a platform engineer, this is your opportunity to provide guidance to your organization on what improvement ought to be made as well as provide a concrete return-on-investment justification. The severity score is an expected value calculation in disguise, and you can confidently assert each security issue has a specific negative financial impact as a result.


  1. However, you may want to consider limiting access to only a subset of your overall organization.

  2. As a platform engineer, you may be tempted to proactively assert your own estimations for risks, impact, and priority as you may be the most technically informed stakeholder. However, you will achieve better alignment if you instead position yourself as an objective facilitator in this process. Ask probing questions and ensure you understand how other’s view the security issues. As security operates in the realm of hypotheticals, you must allow each stakeholder to draw their own conclusions if you want to build the necessary organizational resolve to tackle tough security issues.