Argo Event Sensor
Deploys a Sensor resource as a part of the Argo Events architecture.
The Sensor is a Deployment that executes Triggers based on events on the EventBus.
The following providers are needed by this module:
kubectl (2.1.3)
kubernetes (2.34.0)
pf (0.0.7)
random (3.6.3)
Required Inputs
The following input variables are required:
Description: A list of events that can activate triggers on the sensor
list(object({ name = string eventSourceName = string eventName = optional(string, "default") filtersLogicalOperator = optional(string, "and") filters = optional(object({ dataLogicalOperator = optional(string, "and") exprLogicalOperator = optional(string, "and") script = optional(string) time = optional(object({ start = string stop = string })) context = optional(object({ id = string source = optional(string) specversion = optional(string) type = optional(string) datacontenttype = optional(string) subject = optional(string) time = optional(string) })) data = optional(list(object({ path = string type = string value = list(string) comparator = optional(string, "=") template = optional(string) }))) exprs = optional(list(object({ expr = string fields = list(object({ path = string name = string })) }))) })) }))
Description: The name of the Sensor
Type: string
Description: The namespace to deploy the Sensor into.
Type: string
Description: A list of actions that can be triggered by events from the EventBus
Type: any
Optional Inputs
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: The EventBus to read from. Should almost always be ‘default’.
Type: string
Default: "default"
Description: Whether to use the Panfactum pod scheduler with enhanced bin-packing
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Whether the VPA resources should be enabled
Type: bool
Default: true
The following outputs are exported:
Description: n/a