Panfactum LogoPanfactum
Infrastructure ModulesOverview


This directory contains reference documentation for all the Panfactum OpenTofu (Terraform) modules which can be found here.

Module Types

We categorize each module into one of the following types:

  • Direct: Intended to be deployed directly into your system via Terragrunt.
  • Submodule: Intended to be used as child module in your own OpenTofu modules.

Standard Variables

All Panfactum modules comes with the following common variables. These are automatically injected if you are using our Terragrunt scaffolding.

These are not documented on each module's individual reference page as they are simply used for tagging.

environmentstringThe name of the environment the infrastructure is being deployed into
regionstringThe region the infrastructure is being deployed into.
extra_tragsmap(string)Extra tags or labels to add to the created resources.
pf_root_modulestringThe name of the root Panfactum module in the module tree.
pf_modulestringThe name of the Panfactum module where the containing resources are directly defined.
pf_stack_versionstringWhich version of the Panfactum stack is being used (git ref).
pf_stack_commitstringThe commit hash for the version of the Panfactum stack being used.
is_localboolWhether this module is a part of a local development deployment.

Common Variables

Many (not all) modules share these variables which mutate module behavior in a standard way. These are not automatically injected by Terragrunt and require manual configuration, however we recommend setting them on a regional or environmental basis using the extra_inputs Terragrunt variable.

While these are documented on each module's individual reference page, we also provide a complete list here for convenience:

pull_through_cache_enabledboolfalseWhether to use the pull through cached provided by aws_ecr_pull_through_cache for sourcing container images rather than directly pulling from public registries.
node_image_cache_enabledboolfalseWhether to pre-pull images to every node. Requires the kube_fledged operator to have been deployed.
enhanced_ha_enabledbooltrueWhether Kubernetes modules should be deployed with enhanced high-availability (HA) scheduling constraints to improve availability. Disabling will change availability from 99.99% to 99.9% but will save approximately 33% in base cluster costs.
panfactum_scheduler_enabledboolfalseWhether to use the bin-packing scheduler provided by kube_scheduler. Using this will reduce cluster costs by approximately 25-33% with no additional impact, but requires the scheduler be deployed.
vpa_enabledboolfalseWhether to automatically enable vertical pod autoscaling for the Pods in the Kubernetes module. Requires kube_vpa to have been deployed.
monitoring_enabledboolfalse(Alpha) Whether to automatically install Prometheus scrapers and Grafana dashboards for the components in the module. Requires kube_monitoring to have been deployed.
canary_enabledboolfalse(Alpha) Whether to install synthetic healthchecks for the components in the module. Requires kube_argo to have been deployed.
eks_cluster_namestringN/AThe name of the EKS cluster where the module is deployed to. Used for setting up IAM permissions.
aws_iam_ip_allow_listlist(string)[]All created IAM roles are only allowed to be used by internal IP addresses. This allows you to provide extra CIDR blocks from which IAM roles can be used.
vault_domainstringN/AThe public domain name of Vault running in the cluster where the module is deployed. Used to set up federated authz/n.