Triggering Workflows

The below examples assume that a WorkflowTemplate has already been created that looks like this:

module "workflow_spec" {
source = "${var.pf_module_source}wf_spec${var.pf_module_ref}"
name = "example"
namespace = "example-namespace"
arguments = {
parameters = [
name = "foo"
description = "Example parameter"
default = "bar"
entrypoint = "entry"
templates = [
resource "kubectl_manifest" "workflow_template" {
yaml_body = yamlencode({
apiVersion = ""
kind = "WorkflowTemplate"
metadata = {
name = "example"
namespace = "example-namespace"
labels = module.workflow_spec.labels
spec = module.workflow_spec.workflow_spec
server_side_apply = true
force_conflicts = true

From the Web UI

You can generate new Workflows from WorkflowTemplates directly from the Web UI:

  1. Login to the Argo Web UI in the cluster where you want to deploy the Workflow. 1

  2. Navigate to the WorkflowTemplate section via the left-hand navigation menu:

    List of WorkflowTemplates in the Argo Web UI
  3. Select one of your WorkflowTemplates:

    Selected WorkflowTemplate in the Argo Web UI
  4. Click +Submit to open the submission options:

    Submitting a WorkflowTemplate in the Argo Web UI
  5. Select +Submit to create the Workflow.

From the CLI

Argo comes with a companion CLI (argo) that we bundle in the Panfactum devShell. This CLI tool uses your kubeconfig auth information to create new Argo resources such as Workflows.

To create a new Workflow from the above example WorkflowTemplate using the CLI:

  1. Use kubectx to switch your local Kubernetes context to the cluster where you want to create the Workflow.

  2. Run argo submit --namespace example-namespace --from=WorkflowTemplate/example --parameter foo=42.

  3. By default, the CLI submits the Workflow asynchronously to run in the background. If you want the CLI to wait for the Workflow to finish, use the --wait option. You can see the many other options by running argo submit --help.

  4. You can view more details about and interact with a created Workflow via the other argo subcommands such as get, watch, terminate, stop, resume, wait, etc.

From an HTTP Request

If you do not have the argo CLI available in your runtime context, you can also create Workflows directly from the REST API provided by the Argo Workflow Server.

You will need to use the Access Token method for authentication by creating a ServiceAccount token as described in the linked guide. You can use our kube_sa_auth_workflow submodule to assign the necessary permissions to the ServiceAccount.

To create a new Workflow from the above example WorkflowTemplate by using curl to query the HTTP API, you would run the following command:

Terminal window
curl -X POST "http://<your-argo-server>/api/v1/workflows/example-namespace/submit" \
-H "Authorization: <service-account-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"resourceKind": "WorkflowTemplate",
"resourceName": "example",
"namespace": "example-namespace",
"submitOptions": {
"parameters": [
"name": "foo",
"value": "42"

From Argo Events

Using our Event Bus Addon, you can create an Argo Sensor that triggers new Workflows when the Event Bus receives certain types of events. This is the recommended way to create Workflows in response to events that occur outside the Kubernetes cluster 2.

As an example:

module "sensor" {
source = "${var.pf_module_source}kube_argo_sensor${var.pf_module_ref}"
dependencies = [
triggers = [
template = {
name = "example" # Arbitrary string, but we generally like to name it the same as the WorkflowTemplate
conditions = "some-dependency" # Which dependencies from the dependencies array will activate this trigger
# This exemplifies how to create a Workflow from a WorkflowTemplate
argoWorkflow = {
# "submit" is the operating for creating a new Workflow
operation = "submit"
# This defines the Workflow spec. The Workflow spec will
# be sourced from a WorkflowTemplate via `workflowTemplateRef`
source = {
resource = {
apiVersion = ""
kind = "Workflow"
metadata = {
generateName = "example-" # All created Workflows will have this prefix
namespace = "example-namespace" # Must be the namespace of the WorkflowTemplate
spec = {
workflowTemplateRef = {
name = "example" # The name of the WorkflowTemplate from which the Workflow will be created
# Even though arguments is set in the WorkflowTemplate,
# arguments must be set here as well in order to pass in values from the event
# payload using parameters
arguments = module.workflow_spec.arguments
# This enables you to pass values from the event into the Workflow's spec
parameters = [
# `src` defines how to extract values from the event
src = {
dependencyName = "some-dependency"
dataKey = "some-json-path-to-a-value" # Some value from the event (via JSONPath)
# `dest` defines where in the Workflow spec to set the value (via JSONPath)
dest = "spec.arguments.parameters.0.value"

From Other Workflows

Composing Workflows is a powerful pattern that allows you to reuse preexisting logic to chain workflows together into larger execution graphs. There are two ways to do this:

Template References

Argo provides a mechanism to reuse templates (nodes in a Workflow’s execution graph) across multiple Workflows. This pattern is described in detail here.

Technically, this does not “trigger” the existing WorkflowTemplate but rather “copies” a portion of it into your new Workflow. In effect, you end up with a single combined Workflow that runs all the steps in the referenced WorkflowTemplates.

This new WorkflowTemplate will run the entry template from example WorkflowTemplate twice in a series: 3

module "composed_workflow" {
source = "${var.pf_module_source}wf_spec${var.pf_module_ref}"
name = "composed-workflow"
namespace = local.namespace
entrypoint = "entry"
templates = [
name = "entry",
dag = {
tasks = [
name = "first"
templateRef = {
name = "example" # This the name of the WorkflowTemplate
template = "entry" # This is the name of the template on the WorkflowTemplate (yes, it is confusing)
name = "second"
templateRef = {
name = "example"
template = "entry"
depends = "first"

For a real world example, see our guide on rolling deployments in your CI / CD pipelines.

Workflow of Workflows

Rather than referencing a template from another Workflow, you can actually use one Workflow to create another. Argo refers to this pattern as a Workflow of Workflows.

This provides some additional flexibility as you can override any part of the generated Workflows, but the syntax is significantly more verbose. We do not recommend this path unless you need this override capability.

Below is an example WorkflowTemplate for a Workflow of Workflows that creates and runs a Workflow derived from the above example WorkflowTemplate twice in a series:

module "workflow_of_workflows_spec" {
source = "${var.pf_module_source}wf_spec${var.pf_module_ref}"
name = "example-workflow-of-workflows"
namespace = "example-namespace"
entrypoint = "entry"
templates = [
name = "entry"
dag = {
tasks = [
name = "first"
template = "example-workflow"
name = "second"
template = "example-workflow"
dependencies = [
name = "example-workflow"
resource = {
action = "create"
manifest = yamlencode({
apiVersion = ""
kind = "Workflow"
metadata = {
generateName = "example-"
namespace = "example"
spec = {
arguments = {
parameters = [
name = "foo"
value = "42"
workflowTemplateRef = {
name = "example"
successCondition = "status.phase == Succeeded"
failureCondition = "status.phase in (Failed, Error)"
resource "kubectl_manifest" "workflow_of_workflows_template" {
yaml_body = yamlencode({
apiVersion = ""
kind = "WorkflowTemplate"
metadata = {
name = "example-workflow-of-workflows"
namespace = "example-namespace"
labels = module.workflow_of_workflows_spec.labels
spec = module.workflow_of_workflows_spec.workflow_spec
server_side_apply = true
force_conflicts = true

Note that this is not a “special” type of Workflow but rather leverages the built-in ResourceTemplate functionality of a normal Argo Workflow.

This is why you have to set the successCondition and failureCondition fields to let the top-level Workflow (example-workflow-of-worklows) know when the resources it has created (the example-workflow Workflows) have succeeded or failed.


  1. Your administrator set this when first installing Argo.

  2. When creating Workflows from inside the Kubernetes cluster, you can work with the Argo API directly as demonstrated in the other examples.

  3. Yes, this is confusing. It is unclear why Argo would choose the word “template” to name the steps of WorkflowTemplates, but it is what it is. The maintainers offer some more explanation here.