
Argo Workflow Template: Dockerfile Build Deployment

This module creates an Argo WorkflowTemplate that will use BuildKit to build a Dockerfile from an indicated code repository and push it to the account’s ECR registry.

In particular, generated Workflows will perform the following actions:

  • Check out the source code indicated by code_repo using our standard checkout process.
  • Automatically configure authentication with the ECR registry for the account where the Workflow runs.
  • Scale-up the cluster’s BuildKit instances if needed.
  • Submit both arm64 and amd64 builds to BuildKit using the indicated dockerfile_path and build_context (paths relative to the root of code_repo) with the build-time arguments and secrets provided by secrets and args, respectively.
  • Merge the generated images into a multi-platform image and push the result to the ECR repository indicated by image_repo with the image tag set to the git commit hash of the code that was checked out from code_repo.

Arguments for Generated Workflows

git_refvar.git_ref0The git reference to use when checking out the var.code_repo for the build.


We provide an example of using this module here.

The critical configuration values are:

  • code_repo: The repository containing your Dockerfile and code to build.
  • dockerfile_path: (Optional) A relative path from the root of the repo to your Dockerfile (or Containerfile).
  • build_context: (Optional) The build context to submit to BuildKit.
  • args: (Optional) The build arguments to set.
  • secrets: (Optional) The build secrets to set.

Authenticating with Private Code Repositories

git_username and git_password can be used for authenticating with a private code_repo. See our documentation for what values to provide. The only permissions needed by this Workflow is read access to the source code.

Using Private Base Images

If your Dockerfile sources images from a private ECR repository such as this:

RUN /foo/bar

then you will need to grant this Workflow permissions to pull from those repositories. To do that, provide the ECR repository ARNs to the extra_ecr_repo_arns_for_pull_access input.

Note that if any provided ECR repository is in a separate AWS account from this Workflow, you must also follow this guide.

Build Instance Sizing

The containers running in this workflow only perform very basic orchestration operations. The build processes actually occur directly in the BuildKit instances.

If you are finding you need to increase the resource requests or limits for your build processes, you will need to adjust the parameters of the kube_buildkit module.


The following providers are needed by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:


Description: The URL of the git repo containing the Dockerfile to build. Must NOT contain a protocol prefix.

Type: string


Description: The name of the AWS ECR repository where generated images will be pushed

Type: string


Description: The name of the WorkflowTemplate

Type: string


Description: The namespace to deploy the WorkflowTemplate into

Type: string

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):


Description: A mapping of build-time arguments to their respective values

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


Description: Relative path from the root of the repository to the build context to submit to BuildKit

Type: string

Default: "."


Description: The number of seconds after which the build will be timed out

Type: number

Default: 3600


Description: The size of the volume to mount the code into

Type: number

Default: 1


Description: The amount of CPU to allocate to pods in the workflow (in millicores)

Type: number

Default: 25


Description: Relative path from the root of the repository to the Dockerfile / Containerfile to submit to Buildkit

Type: string

Default: "./Dockerfile"


Description: ARNs of private ECR repositories from which the Dockerfile pulls base images FROM

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: The password to use when checking out the code to deploy

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: The default git ref to checkout and build if none is provided to the WorkflowTemplate when executing the Workflow

Type: string

Default: "main"


Description: The username to use when checking out the code to deploy

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: The prefix to prepend to the image tag

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: The amount of memory to allocate to pods in the workflow (in MB)

Type: number

Default: 100


Description: Whether to use the ECR pull through cache for the deployed images

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: True iff images should be pushed to ECR in addition to being built

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: A mapping of build-time secret ids to their respective values

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


The following outputs are exported:


Description: The arguments to the WorkflowTemplate


Description: The name of the AWS role used by the Workflow’s Service Account


Description: The name of the AWS role used by the Workflow’s Service Account


Description: The name of the first template in the Workflow


Description: The name of the WorkflowTemplate

Maintainer Notes

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