Kubernetes Pod Template
This module does not create a Kubernetes Pod but rather exposes a pod_template
that is intended to by used by higher-level controllers such as Deployments and StatefulSets. This module
is used internally by many Panfactum submodules such as
kube_deployment and kube_stateful_set.
This module follows most of the conventions outlined in this guide.
The following providers are needed by this module:
kubectl (2.1.3)
kubernetes (2.34.0)
pf (0.0.7)
random (3.6.3)
Required Inputs
The following input variables are required:
Description: A list of container configurations for the pod
name = string # A unique name for the container within the pod
init = optional(bool, false) # Iff true, the container will be an init container
image_registry = string # The URL for a container image registry (e.g., docker.io)
image_repository = string # The path to the image repository within the registry (e.g., library/nginx)
image_tag = string # The tag for a specific image within the repository (e.g., 1.27.1)
command = list(string) # The command to be run as the root process inside the container
image_prepull_enabled = optional(bool, false) # Whether the image will be prepulled to nodes when the nodes are first created (speeds up startup times)
image_pin_enabled = optional(bool, false) # Whether the image should be pinned to every node regardless of whether the container is running or not (speeds up startup times)
working_dir = optional(string, null) # The directory the command will be run in. If left null, will default to the working directory set by the image
image_pull_policy = optional(string, "IfNotPresent") # Sets the container's ImagePullPolicy
privileged = optional(bool, false) # Whether to allow the container to run in privileged mode
minimum_memory = optional(number, 100) # The minimum amount of memory in megabytes
maximum_memory = optional(number, null) #The maximum amount of memory in megabytes
memory_limit_multiplier = optional(number, 1.3) # memory limits = memory request x this value
minimum_cpu = optional(number, 10) # The minimum amount of cpu millicores
maximum_cpu = optional(number, null) # The maximum amount of cpu to allow (in millicores)
run_as_root = optional(bool, false) # Whether to run the container as root
uid = optional(number, 1000) # user to use when running the container if not root
linux_capabilities = optional(list(string), []) # Default is drop ALL
read_only = optional(bool, true) # Whether to use a readonly file system
env = optional(map(string), {}) # Environment variables specific to the container
liveness_probe_command = optional(list(string), null) # Will run the specified command as the liveness probe if type is exec
liveness_probe_port = optional(number, null) # The number of the port for the liveness_probe
liveness_probe_type = optional(string, null) # Either exec, HTTP, or TCP
liveness_probe_route = optional(string, null) # The route if using HTTP liveness_probes
liveness_probe_scheme = optional(string, "HTTP") # HTTP or HTTPS
readiness_probe_command = optional(list(string), null) # Will run the specified command as the ready check probe if type is exec (default to liveness_probe_command)
readiness_probe_port = optional(number, null) # The number of the port for the ready check (default to liveness_probe_port)
readiness_probe_type = optional(string, null) # Either exec, HTTP, or TCP (default to liveness_probe_type)
readiness_probe_route = optional(string, null) # The route if using HTTP ready checks (default to liveness_probe_route)
readiness_probe_scheme = optional(string, null) # Whether to use HTTP or HTTPS (default to liveness_probe_scheme)
ports = optional(map(object({ # Keys are the port names, and the values are the port configuration.
port = number # Port on the container that traffic should be routed to
protocol = optional(string, "TCP") # One of TCP, UDP, or SCTP
service_port = optional(number, null) # Noop (required for tf type conversion)
expose_on_service = optional(bool, true) # Noop (required for tf type conversion)
})), {})
Description: The namespace where the pod will run
Type: string
Description: The name of the workload. Used by observability platform for grouping pods.
Type: string
Optional Inputs
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: Whether to allow pods to schedule on arm64 nodes
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Whether to prevent pods from being scheduled on the same zone
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether to enable topology spread constraints to spread pods across availability zones (with ScheduleAnyways)
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether to enable topology spread constraints to spread pods across availability zones (with DoNotSchedule)
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether to allow pods to schedule on burstable nodes
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: True iff the Cilium CNI is required to be installed on a node prior to scheduling on it
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Key-value pairs of the environment variables for each container
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Environment variables that are sourced from existing Kubernetes ConfigMaps. The keys are the environment variables names and the values are the ConfigMap references.
config_map_name = string
key = string
Default: {}
Description: Environment variables that are sourced from existing Kubernetes Secrets. The keys are the environment variables names and the values are the Secret references.
secret_name = string
key = string
Default: {}
Description: Key pair values of secrets to add to the containers as environment variables
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: A mapping of ConfigMap names to their mount configuration in the containers of the Pod
mount_path = string # Where in the containers to mount the ConfigMap
optional = optional(bool, false) # Whether the pod can launch if this ConfigMap does not exist
Default: {}
Description: Whether to allow pods to schedule on EKS Node Group nodes (controller nodes)
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether the pods must be scheduled on a controller node
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: The DNS policy for the pod
Type: string
Default: "ClusterFirst"
Description: Extra labels to apply to all resources created by this module.
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Annotations to add to the pod
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Extra pod labels to use
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Extra tolerations to add to the pods
key = optional(string)
operator = string
value = optional(string)
effect = optional(string)
Default: []
Description: A mapping of volume names to their mount configuration in the containers of the Pod. Used for dynamically generated Volumes such as in StatefulSets.
mount_path = string # Where in the containers to mount the Volume
Default: {}
Description: Whether to prefer preventing pods from being scheduled on the same host
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Whether the generated pods are allowed to use the host network
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether to enable anti-affinity to prevent pods from being scheduled on the same instance type
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: True iff the Linkerd sidecar should be injected into the pods
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: True iff the Linkerd CNI is required to be installed on a node prior to scheduling on it
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: kubernetes labels to use in selectors to match the workload
Type: map(string)
Default: null
Description: The ID of the group that owns the mounted volumes
Type: number
Default: 1000
Description: Node label preferences for the pod
Type: map(object({ weight = number, operator = string, values = list(string) }))
Default: {}
Description: Node label requirements for the pod
Type: map(list(string))
Default: {}
Description: Whether to use the Panfactum pod scheduler
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Whether to add version labels to the Pod. Useful for ensuring pods do not get recreated on frequent updates.
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: The priority class to use for pods in the deployment
Type: string
Default: null
Description: Whether to use the ECR pull through cache for the deployed images
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: The pod restart policy. One of: Always, OnFailure, Never
Type: string
Default: "Always"
Description: A mapping of Secret names to their mount configuration in the containers of the Pod
mount_path = string # Where in the containers to mount the Secret
optional = optional(bool, false) # Whether the pod can launch if this Secret does not exist
Default: {}
Description: The name of the service account to use for the pod
Type: string
Default: null
Description: Whether to allow pods to schedule on spot nodes
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: The number of seconds to wait for graceful termination before forcing termination
Type: number
Default: 90
Description: A mapping of temporary directory names (arbitrary) to their configuration
mount_path = string # Where in the containers to mount the temporary directories
size_mb = optional(number, 100) # The number of MB to allocate for the directory
node_local = optional(bool, false) # If true, the temporary storage will come from the node rather than a PVC
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: n/a
Description: n/a
Description: n/a
Description: n/a
Description: n/a
Maintainer Notes
No notes