
Kubernetes Ingress

Our standard module for creating Ingress resources in a Kubernetes cluster.



This module provides the ability to create a set of routing rules for a given set of domains (var.domains) using Kubernetes Ingresses.

It works as follows:

  1. For all domains in domains, ensure that a DNS record is configured to point to the domain to this cluster’s NGINX ingress controller (via kube_external_dns) and provide the ingress controller a TLS certificate for the domains (via kube_cert_manager).

  2. When the ingress controller receives a request to a domain in domains, first apply the rate limits and redirect rules.

  3. Next, the request’s path is compared to the path_prefix in every config of ingress_configs. If the request path is prefixed with path_prefix, use the settings in that config object. 1

  4. Apply CORS handling, rewrite rules, and any other request modification before forwarding the request to the Kubernetes service indicated by the config’s service and service_port values.

  5. When receiving a response form the upstream, perform any response modifications before forwarding the response to the initiating client.

TLS Certificates

kube_cert_issuers provides a global default cert for all covered domains and first-level subdomains (via wildcard SANs). This is stored at cert-manager/ingress-tls.

However, if you need coverage for second-level or greater subdomains on the ingresses for this module, you will need a dedicated TLS cert. To generate this cert, set generate_cert_enabled to true.

We use Let’s Encrypt as the CA for your certificate requests. They provide certificates for free, but also impose rate limits. If you need to raise your rate limits, you can submit a rate limits adjustment request.


If you want to provide a CDN in front of the created Ingresses for performance and security improvements, see the kube_aws_cdn module.

Additionally, this module must be deployed with cdn_mode_enabled set to true.

CDN configuration can be supplied via the cdn configuration field on each element of ingress_configs. The individual settings are described in more detail here.

Redirect Rules

You can use redirect_rules to perform pattern matching over the requested URLs to perform permanent or temporary HTTP redirects.

For example, if redirect_rules is set to the following

redirect_rules = [
source = "^https://vault.prod.panfactum.com(/.*)?$"
target = "https://vault.panfactum.com$1"
permanent = false

then a request to https://vault.prod.panfactum.com/some/path would receive a 302 HTTP redirect response to https://vault.panfactum.com/some/path.

Note that the source value can use regex capture groups (e.g., (/.*)) that can then be referenced in target (e.g., $1).

Rewrite Rules

You can use rewrite_rules in each ingress_config to rewrite the request’s path before forwarding to the request to the upstream service.

Rewrite rules work as follows:

  1. The appropriate configuration from ingress_configs is chosen based on its path_prefix.

  2. Each rule in rewrite_rules is applied as follows. The request’s path without the path_prefix is compared against the match regex. Iff that regex matches, then the path after the path_prefix is transformed to rewrite. 2 3 Regex capture groups are allowed in match and can be used in rewrite.

  3. Iff remove_prefix is true, prefix is removed from the request.

  4. The request is then forwarded to the upstream service.

For example, consider a kube_ingress module with the following ingress_configs list:

ingress_configs = [
path_prefix = "/a"
remove_prefix = true
rewrite_rules = [
match = "(.*)"
rewrite = "/1$1"
service = "foo"
port = 80

If the ingress receives a request with path /a/b/c, then the path will be mutated to /1/b/c before being sent to foo:80. If remove_prefix were false, then the path would be mutated to /a/1/b/c before being forwarded.


CORS Headers

The NGINX instance can handle CORS response headers for the upstream server.

Set cors_enabled to true to begin CORS handling.

Variables prefixed with cors_ control the behavior.

A few important notes:

  • If cors handling is enabled, OPTIONS requests will not be forwarded to the upstream server.

  • Our CORS handling this will overwrite any CORS headers returned from the upstream server.

  • Due to problems in the default NGINX ingress controller behavior, we implement our own CORS handling logic that fixes many issues in the default behavior. If you would rather use the default behavior, set cors_native_handling_enabled to true.

  • As a convenience, by default we allow the following popular headers in Access-Control-Allow-Headers: DNT, Keep-Alive, User-Agent, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Type, Range, Authorization, Cookies, Referrer, Accept, sec-ch-ua, sec-ch-ua-mobile, sec-ch-ua-platform, X-Suggested-File-Name, Cookie. You can change this via cors_allowed_headers.

  • As a convenience, by default we expose the following popular headers in Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Encoding, Date, Location, X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options, Permissions-Policy, X-XSS-Protection, Vary, Cross-Origin-Response-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Content-Security-Policy, Referrer-Policy. You can change this via cors_exposed_headers.


Set csp_enabled to true to begin adding Content-Security-Policy headers to returned responses.

This is highly recommended to prevent XSS and packet sniffing attacks.

If the upstream server sets a Content-Security-Policy header, NGINX will not override it by default. To override the headers with the values from this module, set csp_override to true.

Variables prefixed with csp_ control the individual CSP directives.

These directives will only be set on HTML responses to prevent unnecessary bandwidth as browsers will only use the CSP from the main document. However, we provide the ability to specify the non-HTML CSP headers via csp_non_html which expects the full policy string. This can be useful for mitigating these attacks.


The Permissions-Policy header instructs the browser which features the containing document is allowed to use.

Set permissions_policy_enabled to true to set the Permissions-Policy header on HTML responses.

If the upstream server sets a Permissions-Policy header, NGINX will not override it by default. To override the headers with the values from this module, set permissions_policy_override to true.

Variables prefixed with permissions_policy_ control the individual permissions policies. By default, they are all disabled.


Set the Referrer-Policy via the referrer_policy variable. The default is no-referrer.


NGINX can be configured to handle CORS requests for the Ingress.

To enable this functionality, set cors_enabled to true.

To control the behavior of the CORS handling, see the variables prefixed with cors_.

Cross-Origin Isolation

See this guide for the benefits of enabled cross-origin isolation.

Set cross_origin_isolation_enabled to true to begin setting the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers and enable the crossOriginIsolated state in the underlying webpages. 4


We enforce browsers to respect the Content-Type header by setting X-Content-Type-Options to nosniff by default.

Disable this by setting x_content_type_options_enabled to false.

Legacy Headers

We set the following legacy headers to safe values by default, but they can be overridden:

Extra Static Headers

You can specify extra static headers via the extra_response_headers input object.


The following providers are needed by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:


Description: Which domains the generated ingresses will listen on

Type: list(string)


Description: A list of ingress names to the configuration to use for the ingress


# This ingress matches all incoming requests on the indicated domains that have the indicated path prefixes
path_prefix = optional(string, "/")
remove_prefix = optional(bool, false) # True iff the the path_prefix should be stripped before forwarding on to upstream service
# The backing Kubernetes service
service = string
service_port = number
# Rules for mutating the request path before it is forwarded to the upstream service
rewrite_rules = optional(list(object({
match = string
rewrite = string
})), [])
# TLS Config
tls_secret_name = optional(string) # The name of the secret containing the cert-manager provided public TLS certificate. Will override any certs generated by this module.
# Misc
extra_annotations = optional(map(string), {}) # Extra annotations that will only apply to this ingress_config
# CDN Configuration
cdn = optional(object({
extra_origin_headers = optional(map(string), {}) # Headers sent from the CDN to the origin
# The default behavior of the CDN before routing requests to this ingress
default_cache_behavior = optional(object({
caching_enabled = optional(bool, true) # Whether the CDN should cache responses from the origin (overrides all other caching settings)
allowed_methods = optional(list(string), ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"]) # What HTTP methods are allowed
cached_methods = optional(list(string), ["GET", "HEAD"]) # What HTTP methods will be cached
min_ttl = optional(number, 0) # Minimum cache time
default_ttl = optional(number, 86400) # Default cache time
max_ttl = optional(number, 31536000) # Maximum cache time
cookies_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), ["*"]) # Which cookies will be included in the cache key (Providing "*" means ALL cookies)
headers_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), [ # Which headers will be included in the cache key
query_strings_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), ["*"]) # Which query strings will be included in the cache key (Providing "*" means ALL query strings)
cookies_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), []) # Which cookies will NOT be forwarded to the ingress from the CDN
headers_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), []) # Which headers will NOT be forwarded to the ingress from CDN
query_strings_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), []) # Which query strings will NOT be forwarded to the ingress from the CDN
compression_enabled = optional(bool, true) # Whether the CDN performs compression on your assets
viewer_protocol_policy = optional(string, "redirect-to-https") # What should happen based on the client protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS). One of: allow-all, https-only, redirect-to-https
# Similar to default_cache_behavior but allows you to specific specific rules for certain path patterns
# The keys for this map are the path patterns (e.g., "*.jpg")
# Path patterns will automatically be prefixed with the path_prefix value, so it can be omitted
path_match_behavior = optional(map(object({
caching_enabled = optional(bool, true) # Whether the CDN should cache responses from the origin (overrides all other caching settings)
allowed_methods = optional(list(string), ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"])
cached_methods = optional(list(string), ["GET", "HEAD"])
min_ttl = optional(number, 0)
default_ttl = optional(number, 86400)
max_ttl = optional(number, 31536000)
cookies_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), ["*"])
headers_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), [
query_strings_in_cache_key = optional(list(string), ["*"])
cookies_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), [])
headers_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), [])
query_strings_not_forwarded = optional(list(string), [])
compression_enabled = optional(bool, true)
viewer_protocol_policy = optional(string, "redirect-to-https")
})), {})


Description: The name of the ingresses that will get created

Type: string


Description: The namespace the ingress resource should be created

Type: string

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):


Description: Whether a CDN should be used in front of the ingresses

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Whether to set the ‘Access-Control-Allow-Credentials’ header to ‘true’

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Extra headers to allow on CORS requests

Type: list(string)




Description: The methods to allow on CORS requests

Type: list(string)




Description: Whether to allow any origin on CORS requests

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Whether the ingress domains should be allowed origins on CORS requests

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Whether sibling domains of the ingress domains should be allowed origins on CORS requests

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Whether subdomains of the ingress domains should be allowed origins on CORS requests

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Whether to enable CORS response handling in NGINX

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The extra headers to expose in CORS responses

Type: list(string)




Description: Extra origins allowed on CORS requests

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: Controls how long the CORS preflight requests are allowed to be cached

Type: number

Default: 86400


Description: Whether to use the native NGINX-ingress annotations to handle cors rather than the Panfactum logic

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The value for the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header

Type: string

Default: "require-corp"


Description: Whether to enable the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The value for the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header

Type: string

Default: "same-origin"


Description: The value for the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header

Type: string

Default: "same-site"


Description: The base-uri content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The connect-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'self' ws:"


Description: The default-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'self'"


Description: Whether the Content-Security-Policy header should be added to responses

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The fenced-frame-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The font-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'self' https: data:"


Description: The form-action content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The frame-ancestors content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The frame-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The img-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'self' data:"


Description: The manifest-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The media-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The full content security policy for non-HTML responses

Type: string

Default: "default-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; upgrade-insecure-requests"


Description: The object-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'none'"


Description: Whether to override the Content-Security-Response header if set from the upstream server

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The report-to content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The report-uri content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The sandbox content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The script-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The script-src-elem content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The style-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: "'self'"


Description: The style-src-attr content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The style-src-elem content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The worker-src content security policy

Type: string

Default: null


Description: Extra annotations to add to all the ingress objects

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


Description: An extra NGINX configuration snippet to add to the route handlers

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: A key-value mapping of extra headers to add to every response

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


Description: Whether to generate a new cert for these ingresses. In most cases this is unnecessary as the default cert for cluster provides sufficient coverage. However, this may be necessary for nested subdomains.

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The permissions policy for the accelerometer directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the ambient-light-sensor directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the autoplay directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the battery directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the bluetooth directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the camera directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the display-capture directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the document-domain directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: Whether to enable the Permissions-Policy header in HTML responses.

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The permissions policy for the encrypted-media directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the execution-while-not-rendered directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the execution-while-out-of-viewport directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the fullscreen directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the gamepad directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the geolocation directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the gyroscope directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the hid directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the identity-credentials-get directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the idle-detection directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the local-fonts directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the magnetometer directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the microphone directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the midi directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the otp-credentials directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: Whether to override the Permissions-Policy header if set from the upstream server

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The permissions policy for the payment directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the picture-in-picture directive

Type: string

Default: "(self)"


Description: The permissions policy for the publickey-credentials-create directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the publickey-credentials-get directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the screen-wake-lock directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the serial directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the speaker-selection directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the storage-access directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the usb directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the web-share directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the window-management directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: The permissions policy for the xr-spatial-tracking directive

Type: string

Default: "()"


Description: Whether to enable rate limiting

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: A list of redirect rules that the ingress will match against before sending requests to the upstreams


source = string # A regex string for matching the entire request url (^https://domain.com(/.*)?$)
target = string # The redirect target (can use numbered capture groups from the source - https://domain2.com/$1)
permanent = optional(bool, false) # If true will issue a 301 redirect; otherwise, will use 302

Default: []


Description: The value for Referrer-Policy header.

Type: string

Default: "no-referrer"


Description: Whether X-Content-Type-Options should be set to nosniff

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: The value for the X-Frame-Options header.

Type: string



Description: The value for the X-XSS-Protection header.

Type: string

Default: "1; mode=block"


The following outputs are exported:


Description: Configuration to be passed to the kube_cdn module to configure the CDN

Maintainer Notes

No notes.


  1. If multiple path prefixes match, the longest path_prefix value wins.

  2. If multiple rewrite rules match, the one with the longest match regex applies.

  3. Note that we do not allow transforming the entire path at this phase because that would impact which config from ingress_configs would match. If you need that behavior, a redirect_rule would be more appropriate than a rewrite_rule.

  4. The default setting for cross_origin_opener_policy is same-origin which will break sites loading SSO pop-ups from different origins as it may block communication between the two windows. Change the value to same-origin-allow-popups to restore functionality.