Argo Event Bus
Deploys an EventBus resource as a part of the Argo Events architecture.
The EventBus is a set of NATS nodes that temporarily store inbound events from EventSources before distributing them via Sensors.
A few notes for the proper usage of an EventBus:
An EventBus is a namespaced resource, and you can have at most one per namespace.
For every namespace where you want to deploy EventSources and Sensors, you must have an EventBus deployed.
The following providers are needed by this module:
kubectl (2.1.3)
kubernetes (2.34.0)
pf (0.0.5)
random (3.6.3)
Required Inputs
The following input variables are required:
Description: The namespace to deploy the EventBus into.
Type: string
Optional Inputs
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: The initial volume size to use for each node in the event bus
Type: string
Default: "1Gi"
Description: The storage class to use for the event bus
Type: string
Default: "ebs-standard"
Description: Whether to enable anti-affinity to prevent pods from being scheduled on the same instance type
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: The log level for the argo pods
Type: string
Default: "info"
Description: Whether the VPA resources should be enabled
Type: bool
Default: true
No outputs.