Kubernetes Configuration Files


Example File

This file instructs the pf-update-kube --build command how to generate the cluster connection info file (cluster_info).

This command must be run by a superuser with root access to all clusters. This enables non-superusers to use cluster_info to setup their personal kubeconfig files without needing access to the infrastructure modules (via pf-update-kube).

config.yaml Format

YAML Schema

clusters = list(object({
module = string

The clusters key contains an array of objects:

moduleThe path to the aws_eks module deployment relative to the environments_dir directoryenv/region/aws_eks


Example File

This file instructs the pf-update-kube command how to generate a user-specific kubeconfig file.

This is required because each user will have different access levels to each cluster. Running pf-kube-update requires that the cluster_info file is set up (via pf-update-kube --build).

config.user.yaml Format

YAML Schema

clusters = list(object({
name = string
aws_profile = string

The clusters key contains an array of objects:

nameThe name of the cluster. The full list of available cluster names can be found in <kube_dir>/cluster_info.production-primary
aws_profileThe AWS profile to use to authenticate with the cluster. Must be a valid profile in <aws_dir>/config.production-superuser


Example File

This is a space-delimited file with each line representing metadata for a particular cluster. The columns are:

  • cluster name
  • cluster region
  • cluster API server URL
  • md5 hash of the CA cert data for the API server