Checking out Git Repositories


Oftentimes in CI / CD pipelines, you will want to checkout code from a private repository in order to execute your CI / CD logic against it.

We provide a utility command in the devShell called pf-wf-git-checkout that efficiently checks out a given repository to a given git ref using provided credentials.

For example, you might call the command as follows:

Terminal window
pf-wf-git-checkout \
--username fullykubed \
--password "$GITHUB_TOKEN" \
--repo \
--checkout main

In addition to checking out the repo, this command does the following:

  • Persists the authentication information for the repository so that future git commands on the repository do not need to be explicitly authenticated.

  • Enables Git LFS tooling and pulls any associated files if the repo uses LFS.

  • Changes the current working directory to the local repository directory.

You can use the Panfactum devShell and scripts like this in your workflows by following this guide section.

We recommend running this script as one of the first parts ContainerSet template. You can find a full example of this in action here.


The authentication provided to this command ultimately resolves to this format:

git clone https://<username>:<password>@<repo>.git

While this is supported by all major git hosting providers, the exact values may differ for username and password. Below we outline some common scenarios: